California, Class of 2020
Here's how Princess felt about her VING experience! "I felt very thankful and blessed to be able to give my VING to someone that I know and love who really deserved it. I know that it will help him financially and positively impact his life. It was definitely surreal and a GREAT first-time experience for me... giving this VING made me feel that there is still good in the world and it inspired me to give more!!! As a teenager, it's not every day that I'm able to just walk up to someone and gift them with that kind of money. So yeah... overall, I'm just very thankful and blessed for this opportunity." -Princess, 17

Tennessee, Class of 2020
Robert VINGs for his dad's friend, Junior. Junior is a hard worker and Robert knew he could really use this $1,000 boost.

Oklahoma, Class of 2020
When Meredith heard about her opportunity to submit someone in her life for a $1,000 boost, she knew exactly who she wanted to nominate. "I VING because this is a direct way for me to help someone who needs it."-Meredith, 17

Wisconsin, Class of 2020
A whole new kinda VING! Teens across the country are practicing safe Physical Distancing while delivering $1,000 checks to those in their life in need of a boost! Way to go, Aimee!